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Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released - See Release Announcement Section

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Introductions / Re: Multiple monitors. Second goes to sleep.
« Last post by stevef on Today at 10:29:38 AM »
Has the dual monitor set up ever worked on your system or is it something new you are setting up ?

It sounds like it is not being recognised, but difficult to help with the information provided so far.
I'd start with
Click Menu
Begin Typing 'Display' into the search box
When you see 'Display' offered as a choice, click on it
In the window that opens under the General tab, if you click on the pull down of the top line (above Resolution) is your second display listed ?

Click the advanced tab and check the state of the 'Configure new displays when connected' slider.
Try turning on 'Show popup windows to identify displays'

Please provide results of this command
Code: [Select]
inxi -Fxxx
Someone may be able to spot something from that or have a better starting point to diagnose.
Installing Linux Lite / Re: Linux lite welcome screen stays black
« Last post by stevef on Today at 09:32:59 AM »
can i solve it ? Sorry for my English
Not a problem, we can try to help you.  Please provide a little more information.

For example:-
Ijust installed linux lite
Can you confirm the version of Linux Lite you are trying to use is 6.6 ?
How old is your computer ?
Do you know if it has BIOS or UEFI ?
If it had Windows when new, do you know what version it had ?

At the 'Installation type' option screen, which of the options did you choose ?
  i Install alongside an existing OS
 ii Erase disk and install
iii Something else

Did the installation process complete all the way to the end where it asks you to remove the media and press enter ?

i like it verry much
Have you previously used an earlier version of Linux Lite on the same computer or just tried a 'Live' version ?

each time i boot i get a black linux lite screen
At which point in the boot up is this ?

The boot sequence of a stand alone system would be something like this.
Computer bootstrap messages
Alternate black/dark screens ending with a dark screen with a slowly rotating timer icon
The timer icon switches to rotating faster
Alternate black/dark screens ending with a dark screen
Mouse pointer appears on dark screen.
Linux Lite login screen with computer name, date, time, locale and a power icon across the top
If the password is entered the system proceeds to the desktop.  There may be odd displays before the final desktop appears.

Can you indicate how far along this path your system gets before the problem ?
Or if your computer boots differently, describe the boot up sequence so we can work out where it stops.

Is your system totally locked up at this black linux lite screen ?
If your keyboard has numberlock, capslock indicators do they toggle when you press the lock keys ?
Installing Linux Lite / Linux lite welcome screen stays black
« Last post by julien on Today at 06:49:32 AM »
Ijust installed linux lite, i like it verry much. but each time i boot i get a black linux lite screen. reloading is not helping. can i solve it ? Sorry for my English
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released
« Last post by Şerban S. on Today at 06:05:57 AM »
FYI - Firefox, Thunderbird are snaps, so in LL 7x I've added the Mozilla/Thunderbird PPA's, no need to get 'the latest' versions. Skype is now a snap too :(
Lite Tweaks glitches - not concerned about those, unless someone would like to submit the changes :)
Thanks!  ;)
Yesterday though, the Mozilla PPA throwed an error. Had to disable it.
I'll check again. (I'm on LL 6.6 now).
Spanish [Spanish] / Re: error del onboard, tecaclado virtual
« Last post by stevef on Today at 03:40:41 AM »

Apologies for replying in English.  Hope you can translate.

There is a bug reported to Ubuntu related to Onboard crashing.  Relates to Python 3.12 and Ubuntu 24.04

and reported to onboard
Spanish [Spanish] / error del onboard, tecaclado virtual
« Last post by ruddy_enrique on Today at 02:16:02 AM »
ilHola grupo, recien instale en la laptop hp, el SO de linux lite 7.0, el problema es que el onboard (teclado en pantalla), no me funciona, lo abre y cuando pones el mouse encima se oculta, necesito la solución para esta herramienta tan importante.

Model name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-10110U CPU @ 2.10GHz   
Architecture: x86_64   
CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit   
Address sizes: 39 bits physical, 48 bits virtual   
Byte Order: Little Endian   
CPU(s): 4

description: VGA compatible controller   
product: CometLake-U GT2 [UHD Graphics]   
vendor: Intel Corporation

Ram 4gn DDR4
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released
« Last post by sqwuade on June 02, 2024, 10:57:59 PM »
Yes, shouldn't it be 24.04 "Noble" now?  I notice that too Trinidad.

Also, Try booting into "Live" mode and running Google Chrome - it doesn't work for me.

What's the issue in /etc/lsb-release ?

The file on my install looks like this.

Code: [Select]

System Restore Utility uses this to tag snapshots.
Snapshots of LL7.0 systems get labelled as '22.04 Jammy'. Confused me on a multi-boot setup until you identified why it was happening.

For Mintstick applications
After installing python3-unidecode does it then work?
Yes.  Thank you.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released
« Last post by Jerry on June 02, 2024, 10:52:55 PM »
FYI - Firefox, Thunderbird are snaps, so in LL 7x I've added the Mozilla/Thunderbird PPA's, no need to get 'the latest' versions. Skype is now a snap too :(
Lite Tweaks glitches - not concerned about those, unless someone would like to submit the changes :)
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released
« Last post by Jerry on June 02, 2024, 10:18:48 PM »
Since Linux Lite 6.6 cannot be upgraded to 7
What's the EOL for 6.6?
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released
« Last post by Jerry on June 02, 2024, 10:18:08 PM »
What's the issue in /etc/lsb-release ?

The file on my install looks like this.

Code: [Select]

System Restore Utility uses this to tag snapshots.
Snapshots of LL7.0 systems get labelled as '22.04 Jammy'. Confused me on a multi-boot setup until you identified why it was happening.

For Mintstick applications
After installing python3-unidecode does it then work?
Yes.  Thank you.

lsb patch uploaded. Install Updates.
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Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released - See Release Announcement Section