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Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released - See Release Announcement Section

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Other / Several odd things all happened at the same time
« Last post by billtour on Today at 04:59:13 PM »
First, I have linuxlite 6.6 installed on a bootable 64Gb SanDisk Cruiser USB stick. Second, my Internet access is through my Android phone's hotspot.
Two nights ago I installed KSTARS and it was working fine - including downloading DSS images from the internet.  When I went to shut down later, I got an "error trying to log out".  Trying to logout and shut down again gave me the same error. I had to power off the computer. Last night, KSTARS failed to download any images. I tried to start up Chrome to search for a solution to this problem, but nothing happened after clicking the Chrome icon on the panel. I also noticed that the word Menu on the left end of the panel was replaced by the linuxlite feather icon.  It turns out that it brings up the whisker menu which is similar to the original menu.  Trying to logout and shuthut down from there gives me the same "error trying to logout".  Any ideas as to how I should proceed to fix these problems?
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by trinidad on Today at 09:35:04 AM »
SSH worked OOTB for me. Didn't change anything other than installing Remmina. It may be there are inconsistencies in the installer due to some applications needing policy kit with the old options and the installer configuring new style. Lite-tweaks in XFCE needs actions and rules scripts old style. They were missing for lite-tweaks in my initial install of 7.x. Probably have to figure out what works correctly with Ubuntu 24 base and installer and what doesn't post install, and then have appropriate post installation script for whatever requires old style policy kit stuff. Previously on older versions of LL configuration was set by the installer, but now policy kit settings methods are optional on the version Ubuntu XFCE uses. I'll get it all to work eventually, but I still think the bashisms in lite-tweaks are not the problem.

Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on Today at 07:44:56 AM »
Jerry - as you requested, I tested updating the sources in a fresh install of LL7-RC1 and didn't see any issues.

I was messing around with the Kernel Installer in the tweaks section and tried to install some of the old 3.x kernels to see how they would work.  None of the 3.x series kernels would install.  I was able to install 4.2 and booted into it.  None of the web browsers seemed to work w/ kernel 4.2 though!  Strange but who's going to be using a kernel that old anyway..?  I suppose the ones that won't install at all should be removed from the list?

I also found this small bug in the Wallpapers area (There's one wallpaper missing):

On the subject of Wallpapers I've got a few cool ones you might consider using - Some space pics and a few other generic ones:

I'd like to submit a feature request too:
Could the default profile use a Windows Manager theme / setting that makes it easier to grab the edges / corners of windows?  I noticed the Xfce desktop option in Debian 12.5 is set up nicely in that way - real easy to adjust windows sizes.  I've got my LL7 test box set to use the "Default-hdpi" option which seems pretty good.  I think it gives around a 5px width to grab the edge.

Thanks,  Scott

Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on Today at 05:37:17 AM »
That worked Jerry:
/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -A
I shouldn't have to fix it on a brand new install though!  I also tried running "/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -A" to generate new keys before running "apt install ssh" on a newly booted Live LL7 system and the server component did install successfully and work afterwards.

I'm still having issues running Google Chrome in Live mode.  It doesn't want to open and basically nothing happens.

I got an "Update Sources Has Failed" " not found" or similar error when trying to update sources in Live mode.

Yes!  Debian 12.5 is very nice!  I've got a Debian/Xfce system on one of my boxes.  I kind of copied the Xfce desktop settings over from LL6.6.

Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Jerry on Today at 03:20:14 AM »
Fixed ssh by running:

Code: [Select]
/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -A
Code: [Select]
systemctl start ssh
Code: [Select]
systemctl status ssh
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Jerry on Today at 03:01:39 AM »
No problem with ssh here on 7x, installed fine, status normal.
I use scp mostly.


Edit: ssh is installed but get Failed to start with systemctl status ssh. Possibly a very new bug with Ubuntu. If someone paid me for a year, I'd switch us over to a Debian base :)
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on Today at 02:48:32 AM »
Thanks Jerry!  Glad to be able to help out.

I did make one more slight change, that I initially forgot to do, which was to comment out these two lines so that the zram doesn't get entered into the array.

# echo "$selection" | grep "ZRAM" > /dev/null
# if [ $? = 0 ]; then ARRAYB+=('ZRAM'); fi

More bugs..?
I've been running LL7RC1 in "Live" mode and am having difficulty getting Chrome to open.  Has anyone else had any problems with it?  There is an issue installing the ssh server as well.  I've always installed with "sudo apt install ssh" but doesn't seem to be working for me on LL7RC1.  Trinidad did say it worked for him though.  I've tried it quiet a few times with no luck.  I get the message "ssh is already the newest version (1:9.6p1-3ubuntu13)".  It's not working for me...  I've installed and run ssh servers many times before.  Usually I just run "apt install ssh" to install the server and "service ssh status" etc. to check on it.  Now, when I run "service ssh status" I get:

Job for ssh.service failed because the control process exited with error code.  See "systemctl status ssh.service" and "journalctl -xeu ssh.service" for details.

Thanks,  Scott
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Jerry on Today at 02:45:13 AM »
Can someone please test Lite Updates after a fresh install? Weird things happening there too, hope it's just in my VM.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Jerry on Today at 01:29:30 AM »
Nice one @sqwuade my initial tests show promise :))

Typo fixed too. Someone buy this man a beer! Thanks to everyone else too for their contributions. I LOVE linux. Can't do this stuff with MS.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on Today at 01:21:41 AM »
I got it!  I had to sacrifice the zram option to make it work but it works!

The problem was that the zram tweak has some code that isn't recognized by the new bash version 5.2.21 (I think...) anyway the PIPESTATUS(0) array was being populated with the error code 127 (Apparently that's a pretty common error/exit code) when it was expecting an output of 0.  Once I started hacking through the code and eliminating the different options one by one - the error code of 127 kept reoccurring until I eliminated the zram option.  Once I commented out those lines PIPESTATUS(0) received the expected output of 0 and the rest of the routine could then continue and complete normally.


Here's the version that works:

You may need to set permissions appropriately (755?) after moving it to /usr/bin

I'm still experimenting around with the zram statement to see if I can figure out why it's not working.  I suspect there is something different in the latest version of bash that doesn't like the code.  I'm pretty sure it's this line that is the issue and bash can't process it so kicks out the 127 exit/error code:

if [ -z  "$(dpkg -l | grep -G '^ii' | grep zram-config)" ]; then

I'll update if I make any progress on getting the zram tweak working.

Cheers,  Scott

I also fixed a small text error that I found:

changed to:

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Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released - See Release Announcement Section