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Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released - See Release Announcement Section

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Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Jerry on May 19, 2024, 09:29:27 PM »
@sqwuade Following your discussion on XFCE forum.
Will the plugin number be the same on all LL 7 installed systems or is it randomized (hit or miss) during installation given it's a plugin? And what happens if new plugins are added after the fact? Why did LL 7 installation still generate the .rc.backup, but in the wrong location? Caused by an unexpected shell change?

I think lite-tweaks is a signature application of Linux Lite and it is important that it not be abandoned in this release.

We're keeping it in.
Installing Software / Re: Has anyone ever installed Waydroid on LL ?
« Last post by Jerry on May 19, 2024, 09:27:17 PM »
Nice :)
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Şerban S. on May 19, 2024, 01:15:40 PM »
I think lite-tweaks is a signature application of Linux Lite and it is important that it not be abandoned in this release.

I strongly agree with that!
I use it, my wife uses it.
As far as I could see, on the mentioned thread, is given a sample code on how to deal with the "random ID":
Passing the contents of the variable, might solve more than one problem.
Anyway, some of the scripts are working fine: Lite Software, Lite Widget. I tested those today.
I also thought maybe another solution would be useful.
Since all "Lite *" tools reside in /usr/bin/*, maybe creating a directory /usr/bin/litebins/* and place all those there and a liteapps.conf would prevent such events from happening in the future.
The liteapps.conf file, can then hold whatever data is required for all apps to work. Further more, it can be used for future developments.
One might be some snippets to test the existence of a certain file in a certain directory and if the test fails, perform a search and retrieve the new value, or, if this is the case, create it and eventually the needed file(s).
When I was still programming, this was my approach to avoid path/missing file errors.
Maybe that is due to my backup and personal data philosophy (I hate using system directories for my data, I use dedicated partitions).

Best regards!
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by trinidad on May 19, 2024, 11:41:35 AM »
@sqwuade Following your discussion on XFCE forum.
Will the plugin number be the same on all LL 7 installed systems or is it randomized (hit or miss) during installation given it's a plugin? And what happens if new plugins are added after the fact? Why did LL 7 installation still generate the .rc.backup, but in the wrong location? Caused by an unexpected shell change?

I think lite-tweaks is a signature application of Linux Lite and it is important that it not be abandoned in this release.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by stevef on May 19, 2024, 11:28:04 AM »
Screen shot of the odd Timeshift behaviour.

Timeshift window with odd name and snaphot saved as 'Jammy'
Text file showing the start of the Timeshift log getting the distribution name (line 2)
Terminal window showing the system is running 7.0 rc1

This is from a fresh (Erase disk) installation.
Installing Software / Re: Has anyone ever installed Waydroid on LL ?
« Last post by Jean-Marc B on May 19, 2024, 09:46:54 AM »
[...]  What I find lacking in ANY Linux distro is a decent audiobook reader. [...] putting a bookmark is a MUST while ready audiobooks and no music player (that I know off at least) does that.[...]

Actually, there is.
I use VLC Media Player and regardless the type of audio, it asks me if I want to continue, if this is the case. It works now for audio and video so instead of bookmarking, it remembers where you were last time on the timeline.
You can also combine the loop mode with that so you can use it to study whatever is the case.

Thank you for suggesting VLC which I've not used in a long while. I'll give it a try.
Best regards, Șerban.
Installing Software / Re: Has anyone ever installed Waydroid on LL ?
« Last post by Şerban S. on May 19, 2024, 07:15:12 AM »
[...]  What I find lacking in ANY Linux distro is a decent audiobook reader. [...] putting a bookmark is a MUST while ready audiobooks and no music player (that I know off at least) does that.[...]

Actually, there is.
I use VLC Media Player and regardless the type of audio, it asks me if I want to continue, if this is the case. It works now for audio and video so instead of bookmarking, it remembers where you were last time on the timeline.
You can also combine the loop mode with that so you can use it to study whatever is the case.

Best regards, Șerban.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by stevef on May 18, 2024, 10:44:50 AM »
Several unexpected things so far in my experience.
Installed into unallocated space on a test system alongside existing LL5.8 and LL6.6 systems. Not a VM.

During the installation, the body of the 'Install' window is blank/white where the usual graphics which promote the features and enhancements during the copy files, install system and set up phases would be expected.  The progress bar and the descriptive text appear in the window below the white space as expected.

Shut down, remove media, start up to desktop ok.
Needed to change the keyboard layout via 'Control Panel' - this is normal.

Tried Lite Tweaks which failed as reported.

Ran Timeshift to create a snapshot.
Unusually, the window title was 'Timeshift-gtk' rather than 'Timeshift'.
Secondly it didn't step through the set up wizard as I'd normally expect on first time use.
It just presented the Rsync/BTRFS choice page.
After manually doing the set up, clicked 'Create'.
On completion, the snapshot just created was reported as being Ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) instead of the expected Ubuntu 24.04 (noble).
Not sure how Timeshift gets the system information, but inxi and the llver file both report for LL7.0

Then tried running Lite Updates (from the panel icon).
The system asked for authorisation and the first stage of update check appeared to work ok.
However at the point where the system should report the proposed upgrade list and ask for confirmation to proceed, the 'Linux Lite Updates' window remained blank/white and the system became unresponsive.
No mouse movement, no keyboard indicators toggle, on screen clock stopped.

Powered off/on.  Ran update/upgrade from the terminal ok.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by trinidad on May 18, 2024, 08:46:32 AM »
he progress bar looks like it's freezing
I've noticed this with certain updates even on 6.6. The updates complete but the progress bar doesn't move.
because the path/file "$HOME/.config/xfce4/panel/whiskermenu-10.rc" no longer exists in LL7
The backup is in ~/.config/xfce4/  The current whiskermenu-10.rc file is not anywhere, appears to have never been created even though a backup was created in the wrong folder. May just be a menu libre or XFCE change issue but of course tweaks won't work without a file path. The whiskermenu recent items tweak is something we could live without since recent only populates ten anyway. Anyway I've noticed too many PATH changes comparing files between 6.6 to 7.x. Before I come to any conclusions why this would occur I'm going to install a new 7.x system and sort them out from scratch. Once that is done because Lite-Tweaks is essentially a c2 server I'm going to add a policy-kit.service specifically for it and a regular /var/rotating log. Right now I'm hating on Ubuntu and Debian. PKLA was always more secure and usr merge has been a pain.


Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on May 18, 2024, 06:35:09 AM »
No errors when updating after booting from the installed version on the SSD.

There seems to be an issue with the Balena Etcher program when trying to install it via Lite Software.
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Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released - See Release Announcement Section