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Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released - See Release Announcement Section

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Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on May 10, 2024, 10:16:51 AM »
I'll give it another try Trinidad.  I did try it a couple times with LL7 in live mode and it wouldn't work.  I've always just run "apt install ssh" and that would setup the server.  I think the client is enabled out-of-the-box.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by trinidad on May 10, 2024, 09:10:40 AM »
SSH doesn't appear to be working/installing correctly in LL7

Works fine for me, and it's openssh not ssh. LL comes with the openssh client installed already. You just have to add openssh server and sftp server.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on May 10, 2024, 07:19:09 AM »
SSH doesn't appear to be working/installing correctly in LL7.  I've always installed in the past with "apt install ssh".  I've confirmed it installs w/o issue that way with a live version of LL6.6 (UEFI) but I've tried several times with LL7 and it doesn't install correctly.
I also tested on a live version of the new Xubuntu (24.04) and it does install and work correctly with "apt install ssh" on that distro.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on May 10, 2024, 02:00:27 AM »
That makes sense.  I'll bet you're right and those "PERCENTAGE = (100 \* ${i} ) / ${TOTAL_LINES}" parts are to show progress bars leading up to 100%.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Şerban S. on May 09, 2024, 08:58:57 AM »
[...] What if you make that change on a system where the Lite-Tweaks works, like 6.6?

It doesn't. That is the problem.
It didn't on LL 6.4, and it still doesn't.
Anyway, it seems that it only affects the way the progress of the current task is displayed in the message box that appears.
So, with or without this string formatting error, the script does what is supposed to do: removes something or whatever the current task is.
The only approach to Lite Tweaks is see if the error comes from the upstream packages. It seems that this is the case.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on May 09, 2024, 07:22:57 AM »
Interesting Serban.  Did this change make any difference?  What if you make that change on a system where the Lite-Tweaks works, like 6.6?

Code: [Select]
  ( PERCENTAGE = (100 \* ${i} ) / ${TOTAL_LINES} )
As you can see, I moved the inner brackets to enclose the computation of the integer value of the number of lines, which is a runtime value.
But this has logic for me.
I'm curious if that checks though.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Şerban S. on May 09, 2024, 07:12:51 AM »
[...] The "Lite Welcome" app (Similar in appearance to Lite-Tweaks) seems to be working fine in LL7 [...]

That is what I could see, too. Have to recheck it though. But so far, I can confirm.

[...] There were a lot of security changes in Ubuntu 24.04: [...]

As I said, I'm far from what you might call "programmer". Still, from my experience, the mess is generated by some user rights management.
Since policy has changed, it's difficult to know all implications on the old code.
Given the fact that the classes are based on inheritance, an error that never became obvious in the old code, might now lead to such results.
Here is one example: Line 1089, lite-tweaks-super:

Code: [Select]
  (( PERCENTAGE = 100 \* ${i} / ${TOTAL_LINES} ))
This generates the following output:

Code: [Select]
/usr/bin/lite-tweaks-super: line 1089: ((: PERCENTAGE = 100 \ 2 / 1 : syntax error: invalid arithmetic operator (error token is "\ 2 / 1 ")
The only thing I can do, is do a quick install of Lite 6.0 (I guess i still have it) and test if this error is present in which case, the error has been passed from version to version.
Sadly, there might be many more others.
What bothers me is that most people rely on Jerry to fix it (those?) but this is, to put it lightly, INHUMAN.
Since you looked at the code, you can imagine what kind of hell is to go line by line in a code like the "Lite Tweaks", let alone the whole suite "Lite..."
lite-tweaks-super alone, has 1,102 lines. Reviewing the whole code, takes simply put, a lot of man-power. Since we're dealing here with something different than chopping woods, well... Just being Schwarzenegger-like, helps nothing.

What is the correct form of this line?

Code: [Select]
  ( PERCENTAGE = (100 \* ${i} ) / ${TOTAL_LINES} )As you can see, I moved the inner brackets to enclose the computation of the integer value of the number of lines, which is a runtime value.
But this has logic for me.
I'm curious if that checks though.

Further more, the gauge implied here (PERCENTAGE has to be passed to some kind of control)... I neve remember seeing any % progress bar or the like.
A variation is a StatusBar that shows a string like PERCENTAGE + " %". Have you ever seen this? Otherwise, might be just an internal counter to trigger something else than showing the progress.


Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on May 09, 2024, 12:54:01 AM »
Could the Lite-Tweaks app be rewritten in Python?  The "Lite Welcome" app (Similar in appearance to Lite-Tweaks) seems to be working fine in LL7, but those are written in python while the Lite-Tweaks is written in bash?


The conversion to Python looks like it would be a bit of work but it could be a possible solution?

There were a lot of security changes in Ubuntu 24.04:
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by sqwuade on May 08, 2024, 10:36:48 PM »
A lot of great posts here, thank you to all.
Not sure how I'm going to progress here with Lite Tweaks. It might be that it gets left out of 7x altogether.
If someone can come up with the solution, that's our only savior for now.

I'll take another look at it and see what I can find out.  I'm still betting the lite-tweaks issue is being caused by the the change of the polkit system.  That's the largest change to the base OS that I know of.  I haven't found a way (For testing purposes) to remove the new .rules system and rollback to the old .pkla system.  I'd like to see if the lite-tweaks would run on a system after doing that.
Release Announcements / Re: Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released
« Last post by Şerban S. on May 08, 2024, 08:19:11 PM »
A lot of great posts here, thank you to all.
Not sure how I'm going to progress here with Lite Tweaks. It might be that it gets left out of 7x altogether.
If someone can come up with the solution, that's our only savior for now.
I'm in doubt if there's anything with your work.
As I see it, the upstream packages are far from being to date.
I got some 21+ updates that I hold. As for yesterday at about 15:00 GMT+3. Might be more now though.
Among those, are also zenity components, but there are many other key components too.
I guess I posted the terminal output yesterday.

Would it be a bad idea to just wait and see what comes from Ubuntu Core and re-test, from time to time?
At least, that's what I'm going to do.
I'll fire the update and see what happens, if any change at all.
After writing the shell script and testing, at least I know I have some means to steal some info while running Tweaks.
Anyway, there's still time. it's only the 9th of May...
Things might still settle down in our favor.
I wish I was a better programmer, but this is it...

Best regards, Șerban.
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Linux Lite 7.0 RC1 Released - See Release Announcement Section