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Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released - See Release Announcement Section

Streaming from ftp server over LAN

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Streaming from ftp server over LAN
« Reply #1 on: May 05, 2014, 06:35:22 PM »


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First off let me say that, after hopping for the last 10 years, Lite has become my favorite distro for it's ease of use and simplistic beauty. I still run Puppy  though on occasion for sentimental reasons..(lol).
I am having an issue trying to stream videos from my ftp server ( Mac  OSX 10.5.8 ) on my Dell Inspiron Netbook running Linux Lite 1.0.6 32bit.
I have no problem streaming on my android devices but when I access the files in Lite, gnome player gives me this error message '' Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/dvd (No such file or directory)''.
VLC was suggested at one point on the Ubuntu forums but I had no success and it started looping and freezing my system. I could always download the files on the desktop with Filezilla and play them but that sort of defeats the purpose. A root file manager like Commander, A powerfull FTP client maybe...All suggestions are welcomed..THX.
Mac OS X G5 server 10.5.8
Dell mini Inspiron 9''
LinuxLite 1.0.6


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Linux Lite 7.0 Final Released - See Release Announcement Section