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QtADB for Android


What is QtADB?
QtADB is a pretty cool utility program that allows you to copy/paste any file/folder/zip/apk from your computer to anywhere in your rooted phone or sd card and vice-a-versa. No more pushing and pulling files/folders/zip/apk's with shell commands.

It has a lot more features, but I'll just let you check it out here:
If you have a rooted Android device and have a ClockworkMod recovery installed this is the utility for you.
Note: You must have the Oracle java6 jdk installed and the Android SDK must be setup properly first. Go here for more info:

You also need to make a shortcut and put on the desktop if you want quick access to the utility.

You can use a Modified ClockworkMod recovery as long as it's not too modified. TWRP, and the Cannibal Open Touch recoverie's will not work with this utility.

Screen shots to follow (Image Shack is now charging, so I have to find another free hosting site).


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