Linux Lite Forums

Development => Translations => Topic started by: Jerry on June 22, 2023, 06:30:42 PM

Title: Japanese Translations
Post by: Jerry on June 22, 2023, 06:30:42 PM
Please submit your changes/corrections in the following format:

For example:

Application Type: Desktop Shortcut
Name: This PC
Line/Words to correct: Name[ja]=Incorrect Translation Here
Correction: Name[ja]=Correct Translation Here

Copy and paste the following template into your post and add your changes:

Application Type:
Line/Words to correct:

Application Types:

Right Click Menu
Linux Lite Application - eg. Lite Software
My Computer Menu - Menu, My Computer and then the various folder names ie. File System, Home, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Public, Templates, Videos
Favorites Menu - Menu, Favorites
Home Folder Names - ie. Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Public, Templates, Videos
Desktop Icons - ie. This PC, User Files, Network, Control Panel, Help Manual
General Menu entries: These are mostly handled by the application developers themselves, but you are free to submit your changes anyway. If they don't make it into our translations, then it is a bet that it needs to be handled by the original developer.

Please try to submit multiple corrections for your one post. Submitting 6 posts for 6 corrections will not help us.

Keep all Japanese Translations confined to this thread only.

We are not taking submissions for software translations yet, eg. the actual text in a Linux Lite application, we will advise when this will start.

Thank you for your contribution :)
