General > Suggestions and Feedback

A different screenshooter - Flameshot


As GUI tool I tested:

* Shutter
* Flameshot
* ksnip

winner for me: ksnip

Great idea. It's indeed way better than Xfce's screenshooter (which is way too basic).
The only thing missing is a feature to capture the full desktop or selected window - this was requested :
Kde offers Spectacle ( which has also plenty of production features.

Hello All

I also suggest Flameshot cause it is much better that once I used under Windows




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A possible addition to Linux Lite 5 either default or in Lite-software. It is available in the ubuntu repo and can be installed with "sudo apt install flameshot".

Most screenshot utilities are adequate for what can be done... take a full-screen shot, take a screenshot of a section etc... but once taken if the screenshot has personal info showing you need to edit it in another program.

Flameshot has "In-app screenshot edit" and so you can blank out that personal info, or add arrows pointing things out, all before the screenshot is actually taken and so no need for a second program for editing. Also the IMGUR site is incorporated within so you can upload your shots for others to see without the need to upload manually.

I hope this will be considered as an addition in the future. :)

an example uploaded to imgur just now:


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