Hardware - Support > Sound

Reboot needed to restore USB audio

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--- Quote from: TheDead on January 04, 2021, 07:40:21 AM ---I have not checked if 5.x still uses pulseaudio and could be unrelated but just in case...

Before opening any apps, open a terminal and enter the command :

sudo pulseaudio --kill

Then check if the audio workz! ;)

I gave this a try and get the response, failed to kill daemon: no such process.

In ALSAMIXER pulse audio is listed so maybe I am doing something wrong?

--- End quote ---

I will give that a try. It is odd because sometimes I can re-plug the USB to the DAC and it pops up while other times it needs a reboot. I have tried turning the DAC off and back on but that does not do anything.


I have not checked if 5.x still uses pulseaudio and could be unrelated but just in case...

Before opening any apps, open a terminal and enter the command :

sudo pulseaudio --kill

Then check if the audio workz! ;)

I tried to restore the ALSA but it did not restore the USB DAC as a sound option.

I was able to replug the USB cable to the DAC and that did restore the option.

I would like to be able to restore without re-plugging just to prevent wear and tear on the cable and port.

I have attached the screenshot of the terminal. It is a png file so the ext needs changing.

Thanks Jerry I stored the setting so I will try to restore in the morning and let you know how it works.

Happy New Year



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