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Jumbled Display on booting Linux Lite 5.0 on acer aspire 3 A315-21-43WX
I have downloaded Linux Lite 5.0 64 Bit ISO and made persistent live USB using mkusb on Ubuntu 20.04. When I boot in Live Persistent or Live Only Mode I get the following Desktop (Photograph by android phone).

If I go back to boot options and select Recovery, Select Resume in Recovery I could boot into normal Desktop of Linux Lite 5.0.

I tried normal boot in persistent as well as Live only options once again and got the same Jumbled Display.

Processor AMD A4-9120 RADEON R3, 4 COMPUTE CORES 2C+2G
Memory 3904MB (893MB used)
Machine Type Notebook
Operating System Linux Lite 5.0
User Name linux (Live session user)
Date/Time Mon 01 Jun 2020 07:33:07 AM CDT
Resolution 1366x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer llvmpipe (LLVM 9.0.1, 128 bits)
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Audio Devices
Audio Adapter HDA-Intel - HDA ATI HDMI
Audio Adapter HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic

Resolution 1366x768 pixels
Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Version 1.20.8
Current Display Name :0.0
Monitor 0 1366x768 pixels
Vendor VMware, Inc.
Renderer llvmpipe (LLVM 9.0.1, 128 bits)
Version 3.1 Mesa 20.0.4
Direct Rendering Yes

Please tell me how to get proper display on normal boot.
Please note that I am using Ubuntu 20.04 on this machine.


(06-01-2020, 01:08 PM)kagashe link Wrote: I have downloaded Linux Lite 5.0 64 Bit ISO and made persistent live USB using mkusb on Ubuntu 20.04. When I boot in Live Persistent or Live Only Mode I get the following Desktop (Photograph by android phone). [...]
Hi! Smile
I installed one week ago Linux Lite 5.2 from ISO (Upgrade, is a different story), on a Dell Inspiron N5030 machine. The only Dell Specs difference is that I replaced the HDD with a SSD. The rest, is the same as on Dell site.
I had trouble launching the installer. Then I thought maybe I wrote the USB the wrong way (something went sideways) so, I just rewrote the USB and it worked.
Also, the above solution (md5 checksum) might prove to solve the problem.
Sometimes, due to bandwidth resasons, the image might get damaged. Since I only have a classic "wired" connection from the wall to computer (the rest is optical, including the router) and the corresponding WiFi, I never had this kind of trouble, but years back, when I was on low bandwidth, I encountered this kind of trouble.
So my idea is to check both ways: ISO integrity and the USB writing process.
Specifically for the display problem (assuming the others are OK), I guess you need to start with a kernel parameter (I forgot the name, I think it is nomodeset) to avoid loading the Intel drivers, until installation is done. Then check the proprietary drivers, then install them from the Additional Drivers Tab.
From what I saw in the image, this might be the issue.
Check the "FORCE VESA" keyphrase, see what you get.
You might want to take a look at this older post:

Good luck! Smile
"It's easy to die for an idea. It's way harder TO LIVE for your idea!"
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Dell Precision T1700, 16 GB RAM, SSD Kingston A400, 480 GB.
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