07-26-2014, 03:50 PM
I want to open all .doc/.docx , .xls/.xlsx and .ppt/.pptx by default with Microsoft Office.
I installed Microsoft Office 2003 with Wine and it's working fine.
In Ubuntu or Linux Mint, you can just open a file (like .doc), select properties open with choose MS Word and clck 'set as default'.
In Linux Lite I could not find this option. (Btw. would be great if this feature would come with the next version
Anyway there is the seccond option of editing the /usr/share/applications/defaults.list . So I tried this:
First I copied the starters of MS Office from the start menu into /usr/share/applications/ :
Microsoft Word:
Then I opened the defaults.list with sudo.
And found this entry:
I changed it to:
I tried it with and without ""
I did a reboot and opened a .doc file and still Libre Office Writer was the default launcher.
I don't know what I' am doing wrong.
Is there maybe a more easy way of doing this?
PS: I personally like Libre Office, I am doing this for someone else
I want to open all .doc/.docx , .xls/.xlsx and .ppt/.pptx by default with Microsoft Office.
I installed Microsoft Office 2003 with Wine and it's working fine.
In Ubuntu or Linux Mint, you can just open a file (like .doc), select properties open with choose MS Word and clck 'set as default'.
In Linux Lite I could not find this option. (Btw. would be great if this feature would come with the next version

Anyway there is the seccond option of editing the /usr/share/applications/defaults.list . So I tried this:
First I copied the starters of MS Office from the start menu into /usr/share/applications/ :
Microsoft Word:
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Microsoft Office Word 2003
Exec=env WINEPREFIX="/home/jurgen/.wine" wine C:\\\\windows\\\\command\\\\start.exe /Unix /home/jurgen/.wine/dosdevices/c:/users/jurgen/Start\\ Menu/Programs/Microsoft\\ Office/Microsoft\\ Office\\ Word\\ 2003.lnk
Comment=Erstellen und ändern Sie Text und Grafik in Briefen, Berichten und Webseiten oder E-Mails - Microsoft Office Word macht's möglich.
Then I opened the defaults.list with sudo.
And found this entry:
I changed it to:
application/msword=“Microsoft Office Word 2003.desktop“;
I tried it with and without ""
I did a reboot and opened a .doc file and still Libre Office Writer was the default launcher.
I don't know what I' am doing wrong.
Is there maybe a more easy way of doing this?
PS: I personally like Libre Office, I am doing this for someone else