07-10-2019, 05:32 AM
My first Linüx distro to ever give a try was one of the mainline GNOME elegant Ubuntu and I disliked it, remaining with my Windows Vista at the time, instead. I was long hesitating then, after some years taken to reconsider, to eventually switch from Windows 10 - which I liked by the way and have nothing bad to say about, but having checked at least a handful of other Linüx distributions, I found hardly any of them really matching my taste. I thought that I would go UbuntuMATE, but eventually someone somewhere listed Linux Lite in a thread regarding lightweight Linux distributions. Once I saw it and tried it, it was an immediate *it*. Since then, I did not even attempt to seriously consider switching to any other distro, but like I said, if Jerry says beat it one day, I would probably go something Debian based.