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SOLVED - Wrong password add user to group
HI, I'm trying to install myth-tv. I have to add my user to the myth-tv group. I enter my password and it says 'wrong password'. It is NOT the wrong password.
This thing was solved on another computer once a while ago, but I can't for the life of me remember exactly how.
It had something to do with something using su instead of sudo for verification (I may have that the wrong way around) and there was a graphic window involved.
I have searched and searched and not gotten anywhere.
Please help me :-[
Hi South_Oz.

The Linux Lite Help Manual has a section on resetting your password
Menu > Help Manual > Install Guide (at top) > Resetting your password (link in index

The manual is also online at:
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]

I've never used MythTV, so not sure of procedure to set it up.  Even though this sounds stupid and is unlikely to be the problem, I have to point it because it happens on occasion.  Be sure that the "Caps Lock" key is not activated -- since you can't see what is typed when entering password, it will fail if "Caps Lock" is on.

Other than above, since you mentioned solving it before using su, just open a terminal and do this:
su -

Be very careful now, because you just logged in as the root user.  From this point forward all commands you type in are as root, so if you make a mistake you could end up destroying something.  While operating as root, you do not begin commands with sudo -- just enter them without sudo in the beginning.  (For example, instead of "sudo useradd" you would just type "useradd".)  The location in the file system that you start out in after typing that is "/root", which may or may not have any files located within it.  (Just pointing that out so you know where you are.)

Go ahead and carefully carry out commands you need to do, then type "exit" when done.  That will bring you back to the terminal as your normal user.

P.s.  If unsure how to add a user to a group, use this search engine to find instructions:  Linux Beginner Search Engine.
Try Linux Beginner Search Engine for answers to Linux questions.

If you can get MythTV working, by all means, let me know. Perhaps you can walk me through it.

I have a TV dongle I'd like to use in LL. I tried installing me-tv. It detected my dongle and let me set channels up, but when I tried to actually watch something, it locked up...

[Image: EtYqOrS.png%5D]

A gun in your hand is worth more than a whole police force on the phone.
Solved. The command 'gksu-properties' brought up the window I was referring to. Like I said, I had the password right.
Ran into same problem this morning when testing something in a VM for another poster here.  I was trying to open the text editor with root privileges from a terminal and it wouldn't accept my password.  Now I know what you were talking about South_Oz.

Just in case others don't know, this is not a problem isolated to just MythTV.  It has to do with invoking any GUI program from the terminal with root privileges.  I don't know why this occurs to people on some occasions, but apparently it does.  (Didn't happen to me on a couple of real installations, but did on the VM installation this morning.  Why?  I have no idea.)

Here is post explaining in more detail how to fix it:
Try Linux Beginner Search Engine for answers to Linux questions.
I've run into this problem with Unetbootin. In came up in discussion here if you're interested.

A test I use now when somebody tells me their password stopped working is to have them try accessing another application that requires an administrator password, like synaptic.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
(05-07-2014, 02:19 AM)gold_finger link Wrote: Ran into same problem this morning when testing something in a VM for another poster here.  I was trying to open the text editor with root privileges from a terminal and it wouldn't accept my password.  Now I know what you were talking about South_Oz.

Just in case others don't know, this is not a problem isolated to just MythTV.  It has to do with invoking any GUI program from the terminal with root privileges.  I don't know why this occurs to people on some occasions, but apparently it does.  (Didn't happen to me on a couple of real installations, but did on the VM installation this morning.  Why?  I have no idea.)

Here is post explaining in more detail how to fix it:


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