07-03-2024, 05:19 AM
The repository you have selected for Linux Lite 7.0 (https://pinguin.dinus.ac.id/iso/lite) appears to have a problem at the moment.
This is stopping your update/upgrade process from completing.
This may get sorted out at the repository end so if you have successfully updated from this repository recently just waiting be be all that is needed.
If you need to update, then try selecting another repository as the Lite source.
Click Menu and begin typing 'Lite Sources' into the search box.
When you see Lite Sources click on it
Enter your password if asked and follow the on screen instructions to find a different repository near you.
You probably followed this process to select the pinguin source.
This is stopping your update/upgrade process from completing.
This may get sorted out at the repository end so if you have successfully updated from this repository recently just waiting be be all that is needed.
If you need to update, then try selecting another repository as the Lite source.
Click Menu and begin typing 'Lite Sources' into the search box.
When you see Lite Sources click on it
Enter your password if asked and follow the on screen instructions to find a different repository near you.
You probably followed this process to select the pinguin source.