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[SOLVED] Network 2 pc's with lan cable?
I have 2 pc's in the same room, one linuxlite,  one windows 8 and they network ok using usb dongles through my internet hub. But this is painfully slow for big file transfers pc to pc,  it takes all day to transfer several gigs at less than 2mb second.  So I linked the two machines with a network cable,  had no crossover so put a netgear gs605 switch in the middle.  They will not work through this connection and I have set both pc's to set up ip's automatically.  I'm now wondering if there is a setup procedure for this type of connection,  (ad hoc isn't it?)  Is it best to convert the lan cable to crossover to simplify things or should it work as it is now. When I look at my windows 8 adaptor status it says it is sending data but not receiving any. Not sure how to do the same on linuxlite.  When I ask windows 8 to diagnose it's network connection it says
"Ethernet doesn't have a valid ip configuration"  But when I look at the settings for ip4 it is on auto on both machines.  And if I set it to manual, after I've entered and what do I put in the gateway fields?  Surely a direct connection would not need a gateway like it does with the internet hub connection. I will not be using the lan connection for internet as both machines work ok wirelessly.  phew

Messages In This Thread
[SOLVED] Network 2 pc's with lan cable? - by mannock - 12-22-2014, 05:44 PM
Re: network 2 pc's with lan cable? - by Wirezfree - 12-22-2014, 06:19 PM
Re: network 2 pc's with lan cable? - by mannock - 12-23-2014, 09:38 AM
Re: network 2 pc's with lan cable? - by Wirezfree - 12-23-2014, 10:57 AM
Re: network 2 pc's with lan cable? - by N4RPS - 01-02-2015, 10:48 AM

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