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    Thread: Linux Lite 2.8 Beta Released
Post: Re: Linux Lite 2.8 Beta Released

Thanks for mentioning me :) But I really just did note out something I stumbled uppon :)
vaikus84 Release Announcements 61 114,123 01-12-2016, 04:37 PM
    Thread: Linux Lite 2.8 Suggestion Thread
Post: Re: Linux Lite 2.8 Suggestion Thread

Hello @Jerry I would love to see this functional side issue resolved. And I think there would be many Laptop users in your dept if you and your team could pull this one off :) I have posted it in th...
vaikus84 Suggestions and Feedback 168 90,282 10-05-2015, 08:59 PM
    Thread: Laptop suspends instead of shutting down in Linux Lite 2.6 64bit
Post: Re: Laptop suspends instead of shutting down in Li...

@firenice03 Thank you for the in-depth analysis :) So it's not only me imagining things.
vaikus84 Other 5 5,055 09-28-2015, 12:04 PM
    Thread: Laptop suspends instead of shutting down in Linux Lite 2.6 64bit
Post: Re: Laptop suspends instead of shutting down in Li...

torreydale link Wrote: (09-27-2015, 07:12 PM) -- Have you looked at your Light Locker Settings? -- Yes. Have set it up like it's suggested in the forum. I believe it was your post if I'm not mistake...
vaikus84 Other 5 5,055 09-27-2015, 07:21 PM
    Thread: Laptop suspends instead of shutting down in Linux Lite 2.6 64bit
Post: Laptop suspends instead of shutting down in Linux ...

Hello Devs and more knowledgeable Users Having an issue regarding Laptop compatibility. Mostly I use a (Lenovo T430 miniDP to DP connected) external screen so therefore I have set XFCE power manager ...
vaikus84 Other 5 5,055 09-27-2015, 04:03 PM
    Thread: Blueman applet puts received files into /etc/skel/Public/
Post: Blueman applet puts received files into /etc/skel/...

Hello Devs Here is a little something that could be misleading for novice users. The Blueman Applet 1.23 is set up to put files into /etc/skel/Public/ by default. So when one wants to find their fil...
vaikus84 Other 3 4,389 09-26-2015, 03:11 PM
    Thread: Panel color difference with Zukitwo-Dark-reloaded theme
Post: Panel color difference with Zukitwo-Dark-reloaded ...

Hello This is also regarding some coloring inconsistencies while using the Zukitwo-Dark-reloaded system theme. This time It's the Panels Indicator plugins on the right side of the Panel. This is wha...
vaikus84 Other 1 2,639 09-12-2015, 03:11 PM
    Thread: Panel Prefferences colors issue with Zukitwo-Dark-reloaded
Post: Panel Prefferences colors issue with Zukitwo-Dark-...

Hello As the Subject title suggests. There are some inconsistencies in the Zukitwo-Dark-reloaded theme. It has some flaws in (Panel > Panel Preferences > Add New Items...) window. Looks like this: ...
vaikus84 Other 0 3,447 09-12-2015, 04:18 AM
    Thread: Linux Lite 2.6 Beta Released
Post: Re: Linux Lite 2.6 Beta Released

What kind of Laptop specific updates are there going to be made in the 2.6 edition? Missing the ability to shut and open the laptop screen without turning off the external screen (or putting it to sle...
vaikus84 Release Announcements 40 88,241 08-07-2015, 08:41 AM
    Thread: Linux Lite 2.4 64bit beryl repositories acting up
Post: Re: Linux Lite 2.4 64bit beryl repositories acting...

That actually helped :) Thanks man :)
vaikus84 Installing Software 3 3,240 04-18-2015, 08:25 AM
    Thread: Invisible cursor after resume from suspend
Post: Re: Invisible cursor after resume from suspend

I'm using the open source driver.
vaikus84 Other 3 4,786 04-17-2015, 07:22 PM
    Thread: Linux Lite 2.4 64bit beryl repositories acting up
Post: Linux Lite 2.4 64bit beryl repositories acting up

Hello Having an issue after doing the first update via the icon. It just won't let me do a simple "sudo apt-get update" in the terminal. It says that the official beryl repos are broken or unavailabl...
vaikus84 Installing Software 3 3,240 04-17-2015, 07:21 PM
    Thread: Invisible cursor after resume from suspend
Post: Invisible cursor after resume from suspend

Hello Linux Lite Devs I'm pointing out an issue that would be nice if it where fixed int the current LL 2.2 as well as in the next one. Since in the current and next one light-locker seems to be ins...
vaikus84 Other 3 4,786 03-11-2015, 08:36 PM
    Thread: Xfce 4.12 to be released next week!
Post: Re: Xfce 4.12 to be released next week!

technomancer link Wrote: (03-01-2015, 07:50 PM) -- LL needs to remain stable, and "new" updates to its components are at the discretion of its developers. Why change something when it works just fine...
vaikus84 On Topic 21 19,207 03-10-2015, 04:57 PM
    Thread: Enter Password for keyring 'default keyring' to unlock
Post: Re: Enter Password for keyring 'default keyring' t...

JmaCWQ link Wrote: (01-21-2015, 08:12 AM) -- I've seen that message before at every startup on my Mum's LL2.0 install, it was caused by permissions of the created internet connection. Solution was ed...
vaikus84 Other 5 9,770 03-07-2015, 04:44 AM
    Thread: How to set up TLP power manager on a Lenovo Thinkpad T430?
Post: Re: How to set up TLP power manager on a Lenovo Th...

I did e fresh install with acpi-call-dkms + tpacpi-bat and it works. A big no no here is to install tm-smapi when you have a Lenovo Thinkpad T430 or later. At least for now. Note! Changes to tp-smap...
vaikus84 Installing Software 15 21,980 03-07-2015, 04:32 AM
    Thread: Linux Lite Kernel
Post: Re: Linux Lite Kernel

For the Keyring asking I propose to invoce it with Installers and fileshareing packages. Not with wifi and other connection possibilites. Is that doable?
vaikus84 Linux Lite Software Development 326 440,937 03-07-2015, 04:26 AM
    Thread: Linux Lite Kernel
Post: Re: Linux Lite Kernel

Jerry link Wrote: (02-10-2015, 01:48 AM) -- 3.19 Linux Lite kernel is now available for 32 & 64bit machines. Open a terminal and do: Code: -- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install linux-head...
vaikus84 Linux Lite Software Development 326 440,937 03-06-2015, 02:46 AM
    Thread: How do I change the password for the Default Keyring for my Wi-Fi connection?
Post: Re: How do I change the password for the Default K...

This topic is sadly still there. Because It happens to me. If I added my wifi Connection, it wants a keyring pasword set. This is not acepptable. It's more secure to have it like it was. Meaning like ...
vaikus84 Other 3 5,485 03-03-2015, 09:23 PM
    Thread: How to set up TLP power manager on a Lenovo Thinkpad T430?
Post: Re: How to set up TLP power manager on a Lenovo Th...

Wirezfree link Wrote: (02-08-2015, 12:46 PM) -- Hi vaikus84, I've not seen anybody on the forum with the Thinkpad T430 So I think you may get better help on one of the Thinkpad focused forums. I ha...
vaikus84 Installing Software 15 21,980 02-08-2015, 02:19 PM