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How to Format my Second HDD - Printable Version

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How to Format my Second HDD - Artim - 08-29-2021

My computer has two HDDs. The first is a Linux drive with LL5.4, with separate "/" and "/home" partitions and a swap space.
The second, "dev/sdb," is a dos disk I don't have access to (or don't know how to access).

I want to use that second one to store Timeshift restore points and an iso of my existing system (made with Systemback). But I can't write to the drive until it is formatted from dos to ext4 or something Linux can use.

How can I access and format that second hard drive?

Sorry for the "rookie question," but I'm stumped.

Re: How to Format my Second HDD - stevef - 08-29-2021

Have you looked at the tools on Linux Lite.

Menu->System->Partition Drives should open the disk tool gparted.

Carefully select your dos disk then queue up the actions necessary to refomat it to ext4.


Menu->Settings->Disks should open Disk Utility GUI which can also do what you want.  Again, make sure you are working on the correct disk before applying changes.

Disks is a little more friendly perhaps.  You can also use it to set mount options so the second disk is auto-mounted on boot with a name etc.

Re: How to Format my Second HDD - Artim - 08-29-2021


All it was, was that I simply missed the drop-down menu in the top-right corner of GParted, which lists the drives. DUH.

Selected dev.sdb and created a new partition named "/data" and copied my stuff to it. Thanks!