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Keyboard garbled - Printable Version

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Keyboard garbled - pelouk - 07-18-2014

Just a newbie as of today and trying to get started but I've hit a real stumbling block with my keyboard input.

I'm using a Medion laptop which has a feature which has never been a problem in the past but is now. It has the usual qwerty layout but several of the keys (e.g. the J K and L) have numeral superscripts. Since installation, I find that unless I hold the Fn key down while typing such characters, I get nonsense - for example, "keyboard" comes out as "2eyb6rd".

I've checked that my keyboard is registered under system as "English UK" but can't figure out how to correct this. I can't even use my password and am sending this from another machine.

Can anyone help, please?

Re: Keyboard garbled - Colin23erk - 07-18-2014

Sounds like your computer is set up to use an Numeric Keypad . It is not a problem if your keyboard has a separate set of keys but a nuisance if its like yours and mine
Go into your Bios (F2)and look for NumLock  in mine its under BOOT  and make sure its set to OFF
That should stop the K = 2 etc

You may have another problem in that in spite of you setting the Keyboard to UK English it defaults back to USA English  .
A simple way to check this is to type an  @  if it shows as a  "  its set as USA layout

You then need to go to ---Settings > Keyboard Input Method >Input Method >(Tick Box) Customize Active Input Methods  >(Click) Select an Input Method > from list select English > Follow arrow (Rt)  select UK extended Win Keys. This then appears BACK on Input method screen . All that's required is press the + button to add it to the list.

Finally you can if you do not need  the USA English highlight its entry and press the X button to remove it .


Re: Keyboard garbled - N4RPS - 07-19-2014


There is also a setting to correct an incorrect Num Lock state in Linux Lite. I have posted about it several times - here is one of those posts...;topicseen#msg3079


Re: Keyboard garbled - pelouk - 07-19-2014

Many thanks Colin and Rob. I tested both solutions and they worked a treat!

I have one other issue (at least I think it's a separate problem) and it's this:  Each time I boot up I am not connected automatically to my wireless router. Worked OK on the initial set-up but now when I try to manually connect, I get a window "Unlock Keyring" asking for my password for the Default keyring. I thought, "No problem now that I've got the keyboard issue sorted" but it won't accept my password???!

So far as I can recall, I've only ever used one password throughout all of the installation, etc. Is there a work-around for this?


Re: Keyboard garbled - Colin23erk - 07-19-2014


Pleased to help

I had the WiFi problem but it rectified itself before I fixed it

Also have the password pop-up  - with me Cancel gets rid of it -- cannot find the settings option that will fix it - managed in 1.0.8 but not in 2.0
