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[SOLVED] Change Hostname - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Change Hostname - benjyz - 07-03-2014

Hi Guys,

I'm looking for help on how to change my laptops hostname.

For some reason it's got the same hostname as my netbook which also has linux lite; I installed it on both of them at the same time.

Thank's in advance for your help.

Re: Change Hostname - N4RPS - 07-04-2014


Changing the hostname involves editing the /etc/hostname file. In a terminal window [CTRL-ALT-T], type the following:

sudo leafpad /etc/hostname

When prompted, enter the root password. This will open the file you need to edit in the text editor, Leafpad.

Change the hostname to what you want it to be, save the new file, and reboot. When you open the terminal window again, you should see the new hostname displayed...


Re: Change Hostname - benjyz - 07-04-2014

Thanks Rob!!!

However, now that I've changed my hostname google chrome has stopped working.

Tried un-installing/re-installing it but it still won't start.

Also, I've noticed when I run
sudo apt-get autoclean
I get 
sudo: unable to resolve host


Re: Change Hostname - Valtam - 07-05-2014

Hostname needs to be changed in 2 places, /etc/hostname and in /etc/hosts - change the line:

Code:    oldhostname


Code:    newhostname

Re: Change Hostname - benjyz - 07-06-2014

Thanks, that worked!!! But unfortunately google chrome still won't start up

Re: Change Hostname - Valtam - 07-06-2014

Open a terminal and do: google-chrome-stable
and press Enter, then paste the entire output here.

Re: Change Hostname - benjyz - 07-07-2014

Thanks Valtam, managed to google the error message from the output and resolve it.

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

Re: Change Hostname - Valtam - 07-07-2014

Would you mind sharing with us how you fixed it? Thank you.

Re: Change Hostname - benjyz - 07-08-2014

Sure thing, after running google-chrome-stable in the terminal. I received an error message stating that 

The profile appears to be in use by another Google Chrome process on another computer.

After googling it I found out that it was a known bug

and to resolve you need to type in the following code:

rm -rf ~/.config/google-chrome/Singleton*

Re: Change Hostname - Valtam - 07-08-2014

Thank you.