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[SOLVED] Enabling Bluetooth Audio in Volume Control - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Enabling Bluetooth Audio in Volume Control - N4RPS - 05-21-2014



This post is no longer relevant, as the information has been updated.

Instead, please refer to this post:

Hello, All!

I finally got around to adding LL 2.0 Beta to my HP laptop with built-in Bluetooth support. The Bluetooth headset paired OK, but had no audio, and the headset did not appear in Volume Control. Turns out that in Ubuntu 14.04 (and also some earlier versions), the module named module-bluetooth-discover isn't getting loaded to enable the Audio Sink service, which routes the audio to the Bluetooth device.

Here's a workaround. By the numbers, here's what it takes to get audio out of the Bluetooth device. Sadly, until someone cooks up a fix, THIS *MUST* be done EVERY time you pair the device, which is a real bummer.

1. Left-click on the Bluetooth icon in the taskbar. This brings up the 'Bluetooth Devices' window.

2. Select 'Device > Connect > Headset Service'. Wait until you see "Success" at the bottom of the window.

3. Open a terminal window [CTRL-ALT-T], and type the following:

pactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover

(I had '24' echo back when I did this.)

4. Left-click on the speaker icon in the taskbar and select 'Sound Settings'. This opens the 'Volume Control' window.

5. Click the 'Configuration' tab. You should NOW see your Bluetooth device. Left-click on its 'Profile:' bar and select 'High Fidelity Playback (A2DP)'.

6. Click the 'Output Devices' tab. You should NOW be able to adjust the volume of your Bluetooth headphones.

7. Click the 'Playback' tab. Change the 'ALSA plug-in (plugin-container) ALSA playback on' setting from 'Built-in Audio Analog Stereo' to  what appears as your headset to route your audio from the built-in speakers to the headset.

I REALLY *DO* hope the bug-swatters at Launchpad get this dealt with SOON. This is a REAL *PAIN!*...


Re: Enabling Bluetooth Audio in Volume Control - Valtam - 05-21-2014

Fantastic Rob, great information that will come in handy for folks Smile

Re: Enabling Bluetooth Audio in Volume Control - N4RPS - 05-22-2014


Thanks. It took quite a bit of digging on the Web to find all that out.

I gave up trying to make the touchpads behave. I just bought mice for the ones with issues. They have Synaptic touchpads, and I just CAN'T find a good solution...


Re: Enabling Bluetooth Audio in Volume Control - N4RPS - 05-27-2014


Had to revise this, because it was only a temporary fix, as is the revision. Guess we're just going to have to live with this for a while.

Let me reiterate that the LL development team is *NOT* responsible for this snafu. The blame lies further up the chain than them. This affects Ubuntu, and its derivatives, as a whole, not just LL...


Re: Enabling Bluetooth Audio in Volume Control - Monkeyman - 12-12-2014

When I c/p the command from the original post, I get "Failure:  Module initialization failed".

Any other suggestions?

Re: Enabling Bluetooth Audio in Volume Control - N4RPS - 12-16-2014


I need to address that issue in the tutorial. Thank you for pointing that out.

That error should in no way affect the final outcome, and it can be ignored. I may ultimately remove that entire step if it continues to prove itself to be totally useless, but in the meantime, I'll make an annotation...
