Linux Lite Forums
Greetings! - Printable Version

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Greetings! - jbp54 - 01-24-2015

Hi! I believe I am here to stay for a while. I've been using linux for a number of years and was looking for a fast, less bloated distro and came across linux lite along with a number of other distros. Not criticizing the other distros I tried, but I found this to be the best of them. Easy to operate, easy to add my old standby programs and tools via synaptic. Wonderful distro and great forum!

Re: Greetings! - rokytnji - 01-24-2015

Howdy and Welcome. You will find this distro has a small but mighty membership. Nice folks also,

Re: Greetings! - Scott(0) - 01-24-2015

Hi Jbp54 and welcome aboard.

Re: Greetings! - altman - 01-24-2015

Welcome aboard , enjoy the ride .

Re: Greetings! - bitsnpcs - 01-24-2015

Hello jbp54,

Welcome to the forumĀ  Smile

Re: Greetings! - N4RPS - 01-25-2015


Welcome to Linux Lite!

It amazes me just how much the user base, and the level of support that comes with it, have grown since the present forums went on line about this time last year...
