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New to the site - Printable Version

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New to the site - Clint - 01-08-2015

New to the site name is clint, work for an isp who is switching everything over from windows mix to pure linux enviroment with linuxlite as the primary workstation os and centos for all servers

Re: New to the site - altman - 01-08-2015

Welcome aboard ! Glad that you re switching to Linux !

A great bunch in here .

Re: New to the site - bitsnpcs - 01-08-2015

Hello Clint,

Welcome to the forum  Smile

Re: New to the site - Valtam - 01-08-2015

Welcome Clint, would love to see some photos and feedback on how the transition is all going Smile

Re: New to the site - rijnsma - 01-08-2015

That's the way to do it...  Wink Change all to Linux (LL).

Re: New to the site - friTTe - 01-08-2015

Big Grin


Re: New to the site - rokytnji - 01-08-2015

Howdy and Welcome.

Re: New to the site - N4RPS - 01-13-2015

Hello, Clint!

A warm welcome to Linux Lite, for both you and your employer.

It is my hope that commercial users of Linux Lite will offer some kind of financial assistance to the development team, even if that support is limited. This will help to ensure the continued development of Linux Lite as an operating system, for both personal and commercial environments...
