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[SOLVED] Yahoo Mail - Printable Version

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[SOLVED] Yahoo Mail - pelouk - 12-04-2014

Is anyone else having problems getting access to a yahoo mail account. I've been getting an "Error 14" message every time I try to sign in to my account at  Their help page seems to indicate that they only support Windows or Mac operating systems.

Anyone shed a light on this?

Re: Yahoo Mail - Scott(0) - 12-04-2014

Hi Pelouk,

I'm in the states and was able to login to Yahoo Mail successfully with Firefox on Linux Lite 2.

Googling "Yahoo error 14" yields lots of hits. The message below came through many times. I really doubt Yahoo only support Window or Mac.

[Image: vvSUTMd.png]

Re: Yahoo Mail - altman - 12-04-2014

Had issues couple weeks back on Yahoo Mail . Change pwd also for added security , I do htis every 2 months or so .

Clear Cache , also check if you always have same ip logins .

Re: Yahoo Mail - Wirezfree - 12-05-2014

I just logged in out of curiosity...
Logged in fine.. 652 emails,
have not logged in since July..!!!

Re: Yahoo Mail - pelouk - 12-05-2014

Issue seems to have resolved itself, folks but thank you all anyway.

For what it's worth (and I'm not sure if it was germane) I uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox and now can get into my mail.

Cheers all.

Re: Yahoo Mail - altman - 12-09-2014

Had issues also with Yahoo Mail few days ago , changed pwd , for security reasons , I do this every 2 months or so .