Hardware - Support > Printing and Scanning

[SOLVED] HP Laserjet connected to a USB port

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Hey petesoderman, and bertil, I feel for you. I have run into that numerous times. Just remember that no OS is absolutely perfect. You will have a few headaches. Especially with HP. Its just the way they operate. I almost always have to use the HP Setup when I do a re-install on one of my machines, but when it is done in most cases it works better. The deal here is that when you have an issue on a LL 2.0 system you can get help without it costing you a fortune. In fact most of the time it is free. (They do ask for donations though ;D ) So if you run into a wall for some reason give us a try but be prepared to be patient.

bertil, try doing what petersoderman did, see if that does not solve your problems, if not come back here and we will be glad to help if we can.

Welcome to LL 2.0

Well, I feel like a jerk! Turned out to be an easy fix. Just run "hp-setup" from the terminal, it installs the necessary plugin and the printer in about three steps. It's working fine. I apologize for my tough words above, it's been a long day.

Yes, Linux might be the best free software in the world, but what good is it if you can't print what you write? I'm having the same issues as the gentleman above, LL sees my printer (1102) but will not print to it. I'm going to have to abandon LL. Just too many problems.


Even with Windows, you still need additional software to run most of the newer HP printers. The only difference is that HP packages a CD with the printer containing the Windows drivers and software, where with Linux, you have to download it - which is what you have to do for Windows, also, if you misplace the CD.

Even though the printers come with a software CD, it's still best to download the latest software anyway. There's just no telling HOW many revisions have taken place since the printer was first boxed.

All things considered, Linux has become the best free operating system available, especially in the last few years. Microsoft's Windows has pretty much abandoned older hardware...


Thank you. I have downloaded the HP driver. I will try to install it.
An update: if the printer is connected to the USB port when booting Linux Lite,
the printer is found, but will not print. Some error with CUPS.
It should not be so complicated if you want to replace Windows with Linux on the desktop.


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