Customization > Member Submitted Artwork

on a roll


You are winning more by using Gimp and Linux :)
I love learning new things too.
I totally agree, one step at a time.
Thank you for telling me about GimpChat :) , it has a lot of info/tutorials and looks to be a nice community for Gimp users, I have joined.

Used to play lots of online cash poker. Now, that phase has ended and the Gimp is filling the gap. It's quite fun, especially when discovering something new. There is a secondary side benefit for me as well, Gimp is helping me learn Linux. Can apply what is learned using Gimp, to everyday Linux step at a time. Joined GimpChat 2-3 days ago...they're wicked...have never received a welcome like that online from anyone...ever...going to be a life'r now! ;)
They are a combination of artists and mathematicians...good combo...if you get stuck, check them out.

Hello rbdflyboy,

it looks great, you are learning many new things and really quickly  :)
I have begun to use Gimp now, not for creating new works like yourself, I am learning to edit photos which is not something I have done before.

Found this feature today...added a little something Lite-ish and produced this effect. Appears better on a solid black backround.


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