Development > Linux Lite Software Development

Update Checker

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How often does it check for updates?

Unless someone wants to stop me, I'm going to ramble on some dev stuff.

So at the moment It checks for packages that can be updated, It does so via python apt module/tools. In addition to this it monitors the file system for changes. Now understand it only monitors the directory for apt that it needs to... so don't worry you tinfoil hatters. While the video didn't show things accurately, the icon state does change with the state of the update check. Going to need to finalize some icon's eventually. 

Not sure how in depth I want to get this tool to be, for now it executes the update tool provided on LL already. This makes the tool very simple overall.

Would love to help test.

So been playing around with this now for some time, Decided to post video of it "semi" working. It's still work in progress. I'll decide later if or when I put up a copy online if anyone is interested in testing for me.

Here is a video, be warned music might be NSFW for some. No intent to offend.. I just get bored.

@ shaggytwodope
Woh... a couple of expressions spring to mind...
"U da man" & "That's the dog's bo!*&%ks"


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