Development > Linux Lite Software Development

LL desktop for bash in Win 10

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Jerry, and all,
Tried XFCE4 and Unity in bash with Xming external Xserver with unsatisfactory success. LXDE however runs decently. Bash is based on trusty, so what I would really like to do is produce a slimmed down LL branded desktop, I guess LL2.6, but with no network manager, no Libreoffice, no sound utilities, simple web browser not firefox, but not lynx either, etc. no mail client, but with a few familiar needed applications like leafpad or gedit, cherry tree, g-vim, synaptic, and Thunar or Double Commander, SSH and SSL can be handled seperately from the shell. As I said LXDE runs decently even with all the unneeded applications. Would love to see a lean mean LL desktop spin up in that bash shell on windows 10. Can I isolate the system calls in LL enough to get this done? Suggestions?   


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