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netflix not finding firefox24 under LL2


Just to think it only took them YEARS  :P

I guess they realized that it works properly with HTML 5 and NSS in Linux, so why not (now). It is really because they were forced away from Silverlight due to M$ abandoning the plugin. I guess from that aspect we should all thank Microsoft for Linux support :)

Also -

You are going the wrong way to play Netflix. You do not need to use wine or firefox, you just need to be up to date and use Chrome Beta:

1. Update to the latest updates in LL2.0. This will ensure you have the required updated libnss needed for Netflix playback natively in LL.

2. Install Chrome Beta:

3. Add the useragent switcher to Chrome Beta:

4. Add the following to create a custom user agent:

Name: Netflix Linux

String: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/38.0.2114.2 Safari/537.36

Group: (is filled in automatically)

Append?: Select ‘Replace’

Flag: IE

Turn on the user agent and log into Netflix. Make sure the "prefer HTML 5 over silverlight" option is set in your Netflix settings (it should be already). Done. Works exactly as you would expect Netflix to work in any other environment. No wine, pipelight or other nonsense required.

Did you use the Netflix installer under Install Additional Software?

netflix installed but it also required wine so I did that,

netflix-desktop --showdebug

results in
wine: cannot find 'C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe'
do I need to make any links to wine profiles ?


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