Software - Support > Installing Software

how to install firefox?

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FF used to be the default browser in LL, but FF changed howbits packaged....

There are 2 ways to install...
Both have pros and cons.. but it is FF...

FF is now a snap package.. you can you Lite Software to install FF but it will install snap..
Also look at Lite Software for other preferred apps...

The 2nd way is via the cli as a PPA...
The full instruction can be found in the release notes here...

The snap info is so referenced in the link above...

I've been trying to install firefox but it's not working, I just switched over from windows and fr why is it so complicated to just download a browser I'm crying. I go to the site and click download but it doesn't do it normally, it downloads a file instead of the little firefox icon, and when I click on it it's just a list of what the file contains. When I ggld it there was a way to do it thru a package manager, so I went ahead and searched what that was and when I found it on the pc  I clicked on the firefox with a little sun next to it and installed that bcs there was a whole bunch of firefox there, it says it's installed but it's nowhere? I really don't know what's happening. Please note that I'm tech stupid so make it really simple. I'd post a screenshot but idk how.


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