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How do I make Appimages work in Linux-lite 5.8?


The file has the right permissions and is set to be executable so it *should* work.

The command ./appimage_file_name just calls the app as if it had been double clicked and the 'Illegal Instruction' response shows there's a problem with it.

Is your file a fresh download from their releases page ?  Maybe try that ?

 steve  ~  Documents  Programs  Viper  ls -l
total 131708
-rwxrwxr-x 1 steve steve 134868360 Apr 29 18:43 Viper_Browser-1-x86_64.AppImage
 steve  ~  Documents  Programs  Viper  ./Viper_Browser-1-x86_64.AppImage
Illegal instruction
 steve  ~  Documents  Programs  Viper  132  Viper_Browser-1-x86_64.AppImage
Viper_Browser-1-x86_64.AppImage: command not found
 steve  ~  Documents  Programs  Viper  127  

Same for Linux Lite.

Open a terminal in the appimage directory and post the result from

--- Code: ---ls -l
--- End code ---

Try running the appimage from the terminal to see if it throws an error replacing 'appimage_file_name' with your app.

--- Code: ---./appimage_file_name
--- End code ---

Other distros I used only required making the appimage file executable, and then double-click to activate it.

I downloaded the same appimage file to Linuxmint and Linux-lite 5.8. The file runs as it normally does on Linuxmint, but won't launch on Linux-lite 5.8. I've had two other XFCE desktops on other distros, and they worked fine on those platforms.

Thanks for any insight you can offer.


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