Customization > Desktop Customization

testing neofetch


What about Linux Lite being supported by neofetch? It would look like the lower part in the screenshot, is that ok?


--- Quote from: trinidad on October 05, 2017, 04:11:33 PM ---I have been testing neofetch for awhile now and I believe it is now at the point where it could be included in Lite software.

--- End quote ---

Probably unlikely as we tend to include either expected applications like a book reader (Calibre) or cross-platform software like Teamviewer, Spotify, Skype. In other words, software people from our target would expect to see offered easily.

I have been testing neofetch for awhile now and I believe it is now at the point where it could be included in Lite software. I'm using the ppa and the very newest version (3.0 for Ubu 17.xx) and it is clean and fast and quite accurate so far. We do need to get an ASCII feather to the developer, but because it is not coded the convoluted way screenfetch is I think this will be a good application in the future.



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